Shirley Katz, Inc. is owned and operated by the Katz family. The Katz's have been living in the Poconos since the 1960's, and have always been supporters of local charities and associations. Community involvement is very important for small businesses. When people help people, the entire world benefits.
Currently, Shirley Katz, Inc. helps the following organizations.
A.W.S.O.M. - Animal Welfare Society of Monroe County
A.W.S.O.M. is another fabulous no-kill animal shelter situated in Stroudsburg. Their staff is dedicated to saving the lives and finding homes of local animals in need. Shirley Katz, Inc. has contributed to AWSOM and has served as a primary sponsor for their annual golf tournament.
Fury Friends Food Bank
Furry Friends Foodbank is a
NON-PROFIT 501C3 with a mission to keep companion animals in their loving homes by distributing pet food and supplies to families in need. We hope to prevent their surrender to the shelter system in times of economic distress.